Monday, January 3, 2011

Orphan bead project update

22.4 lbs of beads.  That's how many beads have been donated for the Orphan bead project.  That is a lot of beads!!  Pictured here is the most recent shipment from Pensacola, Florida.  I'm overwhelmed.  I'm excited.  I'm emotional. 

When the idea first came I wondered "is this a God thing or is this a Me thing".  I'm choosing to believe it's a God thing.  With every shipment that comes, I feel like God is affirming what He wants me to do.

The countdown to Zeway has begun.  It's looking like our departure date is March 4th.  Last summer, we were allowed 2 50 lbs suitcases.  I've still got 77.6 lbs of bead space to go and 8 weeks to collect them.  Got beads?

If you aren't familiar with The Orphan bead project, you can read more about it on our website here.

To everyone who has donated....thank you.  You have blessed me beyond words.

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