I think after I returned from Ethiopia, I really just wanted to crawl in a hole. Not crawl in a hole in a sad way, but crawl in a hole and forget the rest of the world was moving around me and just relive my time in Ethiopia over and over and over. Truth is, I can't get my mind out of Ethiopia. This was something I didn't expect.
I think I was wrong. It happened once ya know :o)
But in all sincerity, I loved Uganda. But, on this trip to Ethiopia, I fell in love. Go ahead, you can tell my sweet hubby....he already knows ;o) I fell in love with a boy named Johannes. See, I met Johannes last year. As well as many other children. I never experienced what I experienced in the moment I saw him this year. PURE LOVE.
We weren't scheduled to see Johannes at all. But, because I had asked so much about him, Bezawork, one of the social workers arranged for me to see him. He didn't tell me...he just surprised me. I will never be able to put into words how my heart feels when I think about Johannes. Even as I sit here and type, I get that painful lump in my throat, my eyes well up in tears and I just have to breathe.
So, what does all this mean? I HAVE NO IDEA!! One thing I know is that I love that boy. I pray that one day God will allow our paths to cross again. I have his face etched into my brain. As I asked him how he had been and if he remembered us he looked up at me with his beautiful brown eyes and the biggest smile on his face and said "John". I crumbled. Marcos, the Food for the Hungry team leader said "Dawn, you never ever forget the person who led you to the Lord.
That God allowed me to experience Johannes accepting Christ last summer was COMPLETELY humbling. For God to have allowed me to see that beautiful boy again...I have no words. Feeling humbled is just the tip of the iceburg. I'll never be able to comprehend why God has allowed me to experience all He has over the past year....but I will forever be grateful.
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